Persons with Aspergers
syndrome appear to have normal life spans, but have an increased
prevalence of comorbid
issues such as depression, mood disorders, and obsessive-compulsive
disorders. Being a developmental disorder, early diagnosis
and intervention
can minimize the delays in development for a child, which can have
a very positive impact on long-term prognosis for Asperger's.
Lack of research
As of 2007, no studies addressing the long-term
outcome of individuals with Asperger syndrome are available and
there are no systematic long-term follow-up studies of children
with Aspergers syndrome.[3]. Although social impairment is lifelong,
outcome is generally more positive than with individuals with lower
functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders;[1] for example, Autism Spectrum
Disorder symptoms are more likely to diminish with time in children
with Aspergers syndrome or High Functioning Autism.[60] Although
most students with Aspergers syndrome/High Functioning Autism have
average mathematical ability and test slightly worse in mathematics
than in general intelligence, some are gifted in mathematics[61]
and Aspergers syndrome has not prevented some adults from major
accomplishments such as winning the Nobel Prize.[62]
prognosis of children with asperger's syndrome
Children with Aspergers syndrome may require special
education services because of their social and behavioral difficulties
although many attend regular education classes.[3] Adolescents with
Aspergers syndrome may exhibit ongoing difficulty with self-care,
organization and disturbances in social and romantic relationships;
despite high cognitive potential, most remain at home, although
some do marry and work independently.[1] The "different-ness"
adolescents experience can be traumatic.[63] Anxiety may stem from
preoccupation over
possible violations of routines and rituals, from being placed in
a situation without a clear schedule or expectations, or from concern
with failing in social encounters;[1] the resulting stress may manifest
as inattention, withdrawal, reliance on obsessions, hyperactivity,
or aggressive or oppositional behavior.[49] Depression is often
the result of chronic frustration from repeated failure to engage
others socially, and mood disorders requiring treatment may develop.[1]
Children with Asperger’s syndrome can learn to
manage their differences with appropriate interventions, but they
may continue to find social situations and personal relationships
challenging. As Asperger's syndrome is a developmental disorder,
early intervention is crucial to avoid developmental delays compounding
over time. There are many early intervention therapies available
for autistic children. For more information, see the Early
intervention page.
importance of family education
Education of families is critical in developing
strategies for understanding strengths and weaknesses;[2] helping
the family to cope improves outcome in children.[14] Prognosis may
be improved by diagnosis at a younger age that allows for early
interventions, while interventions in adulthood are valuable but
less beneficial.[2] There are legal implications for individuals
with Aspergers syndrome as they run the risk of exploitation by
others and may be unable to comprehend the societal implications
of their actions.[2]
prognosis of adults with asperger's syndrome
Many adults
with Aspergers are able to work successfully in mainstream jobs,
although they may continue to need encouragement and moral support
to maintain an independent life.
Adults with Asperger syndrome may make great intellectual contributions:
published case reports suggest an association with accomplishments
in computer science, mathematics, and physics. The deficits associated
with Aspergers syndrome may be debilitating, but many individuals
experience positive outcomes, particularly those who are able to
excel in areas less dependent on social interaction, such as mathematics,
music, and the sciences.
However, as adults they may need to continually
work on the many living skills that many people take for granted:
taking an interest in others, learning the give and take of conversations,
maintaining friendships, reading non-verbal communication and so
forth. For more information, go the section on Adults
with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
focus on strengths for the future
Some adults on the autism spectrum do very well
in their jobs when they have found a area they excel in, that is
also in demand. This can offset problems with social interaction,
and indeed there are jobs where the importance of social interaction
is minimized. Examples of this are architectural drafting, computer
programming, language translator, special educator, librarian and
scientist. Mentors can help channel interests of a child into skills
that will help eventually to establish a career.
Click here
to read personal stories by adults living with Asperger's syndrome.
1. McPartland J, Klin A (2006). "Asperger's
syndrome". Adolesc Med Clin 17 (3): 771–88. doi:10.1016/j.admecli.2006.06.010.
PMID 17030291.
2. Baskin JH, Sperber M, Price BH (2006). "Asperger syndrome
revisited". Rev Neurol Dis 3 (1): 1–7. PMID 16596080.
3. Klin A (2006). "Autism and Asperger syndrome: an overview".
Rev Bras Psiquiatr 28 (suppl 1): S3–S11. PMID 16791390.
14. Tsatsanis KD (2003). "Outcome research in Asperger syndrome
and autism". Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am 12 (1): 47–63.
PMID 12512398.
49. Myles BS (2003). "Behavioral forms of stress management
for individuals with Asperger syndrome". Child Adolesc Psychiatr
Clin N Am 12 (1): 123–41. PMID 12512402.
60.Coplan J, Jawad AF (2005). "Modeling clinical outcome of
children with autism spectrum disorders". Pediatrics 116
(1): 117–22. doi:10.1542/peds.2004-1118. PMID 15995041. Lay summary
– press release (2005-07-05).
61. Chiang HM, Lin YH (2007). "Mathematical ability of students
with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism". Autism
11 (6): 547–56. doi:10.1177/1362361307083259. PMID 17947290.
62. Herera S. "Mild autism has 'selective advantages'",
CNBC, 2005-02-25. Retrieved on 2007-11-14.
63. Moran M (2006). "Asperger's may be answer to diagnostic
mysteries". Psychiatr News 41 (19): 21.

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