Neurofeedback (NFB), also called neurotherapy,
neurobiofeedback or EEG biofeedback is a controversial therapy technique
that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity,
as measured by electrodes on the scalp, typically in the form of
a video display, sound or vibration. The aim is to enable conscious
control of brainwave activity. If brain activity changes in the
direction desired by the therapist, a positive “reward” feedback
is given to the individual, and if it regresses, either a negative
feedback or no feedback is given (depending on the protocol). Rewards
can be as simple as a change in pitch of a tone or as complex as
a certain type of movement of a character in a video game. This
experience could be called operant conditioning for internal states.
Neurofeedback as an intervention for Autism and Asperger's
As with many suggested therapies for Autism
and Asperger's
syndrome, there is a lack of rigorous testing to date. Neurofeedback
may alleviate some Autism
symptoms, according to a pilot study on eight children. The
therapy involves the placement of electrodes on the scalp and the
training of individuals to control their own brain waves. After
ten weeks of therapy, five of the children performed better on tasks
involving imitation. Individuals with Autism are thought to have
mu wave dysfunction, associated with mirror neurons. These brain
cells play a critical role in mimicking the behaviors of others
and in development of the capacity for empathy and understanding
of others.
It should be noted that there is a lack of any
rigorous reseach that would establish Neurofeedback as an evidence-based
intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorders.
The most common use of neurofeedback is in the
treatment of attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is a common comorbid
disorder with Autism and Asperger's. Proponents claim that ADHD
is often characterized by an abundance of slow brainwaves and a
diminished quantity of fast wave activity; neurofeedback treatment
seeks to teach individuals to produce more normalized EEG patterns.
Some ADHD researchers are unconvinced by these
studies, including the psychiatry professor and author of several
books on ADHD, Russell Barkley. Barkely opines that neurotherapy’s
effectiveness in treating ADHD can be ascribed to either uncontrolled
case studies or the placebo effect. In return, neurofeedback advocates
note that Barkely has received research funds and personal remuneration
from drug giant Eli Lilly and Company and other drug companies.
Other areas where neurofeedback has been researched include treatment
of substance abuse, anxiety, depression, epilepsy,
and MTBI.
Criticisms and Recent Court Cases
In the United States, neurofeedback is being used
as an addition to many psychotherapists practices as a boost to
a sagging ‘talk-therapy’ practice. Since in most states there are
no licensing requirements therapists who have little knowledge of
physiology or computer technology can use the equipment with little
oversight. The client can be hooked up and the computer program
does the training with little effort on the therapist’s part. It
adds a ‘high-tech’ affect to the session and makes the whole procedure
seem more credible. In the Gravelle case in Huron, Ohio 11 adoptive
children were given thousands of hours of neurofeedback training
at a great cost to the county with seemingly little improvement
in their conditions. The criticism is that neurotherapy was given
to them for an array of different problems simply because the funds
were so easily available
Some neurofeedback equipment companies make extraordinary claims
based on the scientific appeal of electronics and the mysteries
of the brain. For example, some brain training products are sold
to consumers promising to raise IQ and self-esteem, or to enable
zen meditative and deep hypnotic states. Furthermore, paranormal
abilities such as remote viewing, past life regression, and other
psychic phenomena are claimed by some marketers to commonly result
from use of their neurofeedback machines or programs.

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