Developmental neurologists have noted that autistic
children tend to be hyposensitive and/or hypersensitive to one or
several sensory impressions, and that their gross and fine motor
skills are usually impaired to varying degrees. These are symptoms
consistent with Sensory
Integration Dysfunction.
Occupational therapy
Occupational Therapy is a health care service
concerned with an individual’s ability to function in everyday life
activities and occupations that provide meaning to the individual’s
life. Occupational Therapy is important when an individual’s ability
to participate in and / or perform these tasks (e.g., self-care,
work, going to school, play, social interaction and living independently),
is affected or compromised by illness, disease, disability or disorder.
How Occupational Therapy could help an autistic child
Pediatric occupational therapy has proven successful
in helping autistic children deal more effectively with sensory
impressions, use their senses more productively, and become more
aware of their bodies. Children are first assessed in their abilities
with life tasks then tackles those areas that interfere with the
child’s ability to function in such life tasks. Play activities
may be used to enhance or maintain play, self-help and school-readiness
Occupational Therapy seeks to improve the quality
of life for the individual through successful and meaningful experiences.
This is through the maintenance, improvement, or introduction of
coping skills, fine motor skills, self-help skills, socialization
and play skills. Occupational Therapists draw upon a variety of
approaches in early intervention with autistic children.
Auditory therapy
Auditory therapies include the Tomatis and Berard
schools and focus on training the child to use his/her sense of
hearing more effectively.
Visual therapy
management therapy, pioneered by Melvin Kaplan and others, is
an individualized program designed to develop, improve, remediate,
and enhance visual performance. The ideal aim to to have benefits
in communication, behavior and ultimately performance in social,
academic, and vocational surroundings. Visual therapies may employ
prism lenses that distort the child's vision, forcing him/her to
use his/her focal vision more productively.
Tinted Lenses were popularized by autistic author
Donna Williams in her book Like Color To The Blind and
went on to become widely used by people with Autism for the visual
perceptual disorder of Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome. Scotopic Sensitivity
Syndrome is asserted to underpin reading challenges and asserted
to result in a visual fragmentation effect in which it is difficult
to see a whole face or process objects or a room visually as a whole.

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