syndrome is at the milder end of the autism spectrum. Where a child with
autism may have great difficulty communicating or be mute, a
child with Asperger's will generally be able to communicate but
experience problems in social interaction, particularly with peers.
These problems can be severe or mild depending
on the individual. Children with Asperger's syndrome are often the
target of bullying at school due to their unusual behavior, language,
interests, and impaired ability to perceive and respond in socially
expected ways to nonverbal cues, particularly in interpersonal conflict.
Children with Asperger's syndrome may be extremely literal and may
have difficulty interpreting and responding to sarcasm or banter.
Common problems arising from communication issues
The above problems can even arise in the family;
given an unfavorable family environment, the child may be subject
to emotional abuse. A child or teen with Asperger’s syndrome is
often puzzled by this mistreatment, unaware of what has been done
Unlike other pervasive development disorders,
most children with Aspergers syndrome want to be social, but fail
to socialize successfully, which can lead to later withdrawal and
asocial behavior, especially in adolescence. At this stage of life
especially, they risk being drawn into unsuitable and inappropriate
friendships and social groups. People with Aspergers syndrome often
get along a lot better with those considerably older or younger
than them, rather than those their own age.
Advanced abilities and problems at school with asperger's
Children with Aspergers syndrome often display
advanced abilities for their age in language, reading, mathematics,
spatial skills, and/or music — sometimes into the “gifted” range
— but this may be counterbalanced by considerable delays in other
developmental areas. This combination of traits can lead to problems
with teachers and other authority figures. A child with Aspergers
syndrome might be regarded by teachers as a “problem child” or a
“poor performer.”
The child's extremely low tolerance for what they
perceive to be ordinary and mediocre tasks, such as typical homework
assignments, can easily become frustrating; a teacher may well consider
the child arrogant, spiteful, and insubordinate. Lack of support
and understanding, in combination with the child's anxieties, can
result in problematic behavior (such as severe tantrums, violent
and angry outbursts, and withdrawal).
Adults with Asperger's syndrome
Although adults
with Aspergers syndrome may have similar problems, they are
not as likely to be given treatment as a child would. They may find
it difficult finding employment or entering undergraduate or graduate
schools because of poor interview skills or a low score on standardized
or personality tests. They also may be more vulnerable to poverty
and homelessness than the general population, because of their difficulty
finding (and keeping) employment, lack of proper education, premature
social skills, and other factors.
If they do become employed, they may be misunderstood,
taken advantage of, paid less than those without Aspergers syndrome,
and be subject to bullying and discrimination. Communication deficits
may mean people at work have difficulty understanding the person
with Aspergers syndrome, and problems with authority figures continue
as difficult, tense relations with bosses and supervisors become
People with Asperger’s syndrome report a feeling of being unwillingly
detached from the world around them. They may have difficulty finding
a life partner or getting married due to poor social skills and
poverty. In a similar fashion to school bullying, the person with
Aspergers syndrome is vulnerable to problems in their neighborhood,
such as anti-social behavior and harassment. Due to social isolation,
they can be seen as the ‘black sheep’ in the community and thus
may be at risk of wrongful suspicions and allegations from others.
Positive aspects of Aspergers syndrome
On the other hand, some adults with Asperger’s
syndrome do get married, get graduate degrees, become wealthy, and
hold jobs. The intense focus and tendency to work things out logically
often grants those people with Asperger's syndrome a high level
of ability in their field of interest. When these special interests
coincide with a materially or socially useful task, the person with
Aspergers syndrome often can lead a profitable life. The child obsessed
with naval architecture may grow up to be an accomplished shipwright.
Intervention for communication Problems
While there are many different therapies available,
no one particular therapy is ideal. The diversity of Asperger's
effects on communication mean that different therapies will suit
different children. A speech therapist will often form part of the
team that works with a child diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.
A comprehensive test will normally be done and therapies for early
intervention chosen.
Ideally, early
intervention starts during the preschool years and targets both
behavior and communication, and involves parents or primary caregivers.
Some children may respond well to very structured therapies such
as Applied
Behavior Analysis, while others may learn communication skills
best in the home setting.

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