Adults with either autism
or Asperger's syndrome
may encounter bullying if neurotypical people target their different
style of social interaction.
Workplace bullying, like childhood bullying, is
the tendency of individuals or groups to use persistent aggressive
or unreasonable behavior against a co-worker. Workplace bullying
can include such tactics as verbal, nonverbal, and even physical
abuse. This type of aggression is particularly difficult because
unlike the typical forms of schoolyard bullying, workplace bullies
often operate within the established rules and policies of their
organization and their society. Bullying in the workplace therefore
takes a wide variety of forms, from being rude or belligerent, to
screaming or cursing, destruction of property or work product, social
ostracism, and even physical assault. According to Tracy, Lutgen-Sandvik,
and Alberts[1] , researchers associated with the Project for Wellness
and Work-Life workplace bullying is most often "a combination
of tactics in which numerous types of hostile communication and
behavior are used" (p. 152).
Gary and Ruth Namie define workplace bullying
as "repeated, health-harming mistreatment, verbal abuse, or
conduct which is threatening, humiliating, intimidating, or sabotage
that interferes with work or some combination of the three.".[2].
Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik[3] expands this definition, stating that workplace
bullying is "persistent verbal and nonverbal aggression at
work, that includes personal attacks, social ostracism, and a multitude
of other painful messages and hostile interactions."
Workplace bullying is also referred to as mobbing,
although mobbing can also mean any bullying by more than one person.
Other psynonyms include "emotional abuse" at work, "social
undermining, and general workplace abuse. According to Pamela Lutgin-Sandvik[4],
the lack of unifying language to name the phenomenon of workplace
bullying is a problem because without a unifying term or phrase,
individuals have difficulty naming their experiences of abuse, and
therefore have trouble pursuing justice against the bully. Unlike
the term "sexual harassment," which named a specific problem
and is now recognized in U.S. law (and many international laws),
workplace bullying is still being established as a relevant social
problem and is in need of a specific vernacular.
Statistics[5] from the Waitt Institute for Violence
Prevention show that one in three employees personally experiences
bullying at some point in their working lives. At any given time,
1 out of every 10 employees is a target of workplace bullying. Nearly
half of all American workers (49%) have been affected by workplace
bullying, either being a target themselves or having witnessed abusive
behavior against a co-worker.
Although socio-economic factors may play a role
in the abuse, researchers from the Project for Wellness and Work-Life[1]
suggest that "workplace bullying, by definition, is not explicitly
connected to demographic markers such as sex and ethnicity"
(p. 151). Because one out of ten employees experiences workplace
bullying, the prevalence of this issue is cause for great concern,
even as initial data about this issue are reviewed.
In terms of gender, the Workplace Bullying Institute (2007) states
that women apear to be at greater risk of becoming a bullying target,
as 57% of those who reported being targeting for abuse were women.
Men are more likely to participate in aggressive bullying behavior
(60%), however if the bully is a woman, her target is more likely
to be a woman as well (71%).
Race also may play a role in the experience of
workplace bullying. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute
(2007), "the comparison of combined bullying (current + ever
bullied) prevalence percentages reveals the pattern from most to
least: Hispanics (52.1%), African-Americans (46%), Whites (33.5%)
and Asian-Americans (30.6%). The reported rates of witnessing bullying
were African-Americans (21.1%), Hispanics (14%), Whites (10.8%),
and Asian-Americans (8.5%). The percentages of those claiming to
have neither experienced nor witnessed mistreatment were among Asian-Americans
(57.3%), Whites (49.7%), Hispanics (32.2%) and African-Americans
Health effects of bullying
According to Gary and Ruth Namie, as well as Tracy,
et al.[6], workplace bullying can harm the health of the targets
of bullying. Organizations are beginning to take note of workplace
bullying because of the costs to the organization in terms of the
health of their employees.
According to scholars at the Project for Wellness and Work-Life
at Arizona State University, "workplace bullying is linked
to a host of physical, psychological, organizational, and social
costs." Stress is the most predominant health affect associated
with bullying in the workplace. Research indicates that workplace
stress has significant negative effects that are correlated to poor
mental health and poor physical health, resulting in an increase
in the use of "sick days" or time off from work (Farrell
& Geist-Martin, 2005).
In addition, co-workers who witness workplace
bullying can also have negative effects, such as fear, stress, and
emotional exhaustion[3]. Those who witness repetitive workplace
abuse often choose to leave the place of employment where the abuse
took place. Workplace bullying can also hinder the organizational
dynamics such as group cohesion, peer communication, and overall
Bullying and personality disorders
Robert Hare and Paul Babiak discuss psychopathy
and workplace bullying thus[7]:
“Bullies react aggressively in response to provocation
or perceived insults or slights. It is unclear whether their acts
of bullying give them pleasure or are just the most effective way
they have learned to get what they want from others. Similar to
manipulators, however, psychopathic bullies do not feel remorse,
guilt or empathy. They lack insight into their own behaviour, and
seem unwilling or unable to moderate it, even when it is to their
own advantage. Not being able to understand the harm they do to
themselves (let alone their victims), psychopathic bullies are particularly
“Of course, not all bullies are psychopathic, though this may be
of little concern to their victims. Bullies come in many psychological
and physical sizes and shapes. In many cases, “garden variety” bullies
have deep seated psychological problems, including feelings of inferiority
or inadequacy and difficulty in relating to others. Some may simply
have learned at an early stage that their size, strength, or verbal
talent was the only effective tool they had for social behaviour.
Some of these individuals may be context-specific bullies, behaving
badly at work but more or less normally in other contexts. But the
psychopathic bully is what he is: a callous, vindictive, controlling
individual with little or no empathy or concern for the rights and
feelings of the victim, no matter what the context.”
Workplace bullying and the law
Each state has its own legislation.In Queensland there is no law against workplace bullying although
anti-discrimination and stalking laws could be used to prosecute
if appropriate.In Victoria, legislation comes from Worksafe Victoria.
if bullying endangers a worker's health causing stress or any other
physical harm, a corporation can be found liable for not providing
a safe place for their employees to work.[8]
The Canadian Province of Quebec introduced legislation
addressing workplace bullying on 1 June 2004. In its Act representing
Labour Standards "psychological harassment" is prohibited.
The Commission des normes du travail is the organization responsible
for the application of this act.[9]
Under the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act 1979, "all
employers must take every precautions reasonable in the circumstances
to protect the health and safety of their workers in the workplace.
This includes protecting them against the risk of workplace violence
"[10]. The Act requires establishment of Joint Occupational
Health and Safety Committees for larger employers.
Under the act, workplace violence is defined as "...the attempted
or actual exercise of any intentional physical force that causes
or may cause physical injury to a worker. It also includes any threats
which give a worker reasonable grounds to believe he or she is at
risk of physical injury"[11][10]. Currently, as the Act is
written, the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act does not
specifically cover the issue of psychological harassment [10].
On Dec 13, 2007 MPP Andrea Horwath introduced for first reading
a new Bill, Bill-29, to make an amendment to the Ontario Occupational
Health and Safety Act. This Bill-29 is proposing "to protect
workers from harassment and violence in the workplace" and
will include protection from psychological abuse and bullying behaviors
in the workplace in Ontario. [12]
The Canadian Province of Saskatchewan made workplace
bullying illegal in 2007 by passing The Occupational Health and
Safety (Harassment Prevention) Amendment Act, 2007. The act broadened
the definition of harassment, as defined in the The Occupational
Health and Safety Act 1993, to include psychological harassment.[13]
In Ireland, there is a Code of Practice for employers
and employees on the prevention and resolution of bullying at work.[14]
The Code notes the provision in the Safety, Health and Welfare Act
2005 requiring employers to manage work activities to prevent improper
conduct or behaviour at work. The Code of Practice provides both
employer and employee with the means and the machinery to identify
and to stamp out bullying in the workplace in a way which benefits
all sides.
Workplace bullying in Sweden is covered by the
Ordinance of the Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and
Health containing Provisions on measures against Victimization at
Work, which defines victimisation as "...recurrent reprehensible
or distinctly negative actions which are directed against individual
employees in an offensive manner and can result in those employees
being placed outside the workplace community."[15]
The act places the onus on employers to plan and
organise work so as to prevent victimisation and to make it clear
to employees that victimisation is not acceptable. The employer
is also responsible for the early detection of signs of victimisation,
prompt counter measures to deal with victimisation and making support
available to employees who have been targeted.
United Kingdom
In the United Kingdom, although bullying is not
specifically mentioned in workplace legislation, there are means
to obtain legal redress for bullying. The Protection from Harassment
Act 1997[16] is a recent addition to the more traditional approaches
using employment-only legislation. Notable cases include Majrowski
v Guy's & St Thomas' NHS Trust wherein it was held that an employer
is vicariously liable for one employee's harassment of another,
and Green v DB Group Services (UK) Ltd, where a bullied worker was
awarded over £800,000 in damages. In the latter case, at paragraph
99, the judge Mr Justice Owen said:
"...I am satisfied that the behaviour amounted to a deliberate
and concerted campaign of bullying within the ordinary meaning of
that term."
Bullying behaviour breaches other UK laws. An implied term of every
employment contract in the UK is that parties to the contract have
a (legal) duty of trust and confidence to each other. Bullying,
or an employer tolerating bullying, typically breaches that contractual
term. Such a breach creates circumstances entitling an employee
to terminate his or her contract of employment without notice, which
can lead to a finding by an Employment Tribunal of unfair dismissal,
colloquially called constructive dismissal. An employee bullied
in response to asserting a statutory right can be compensated for
the detriment under Part V of the Employment Rights Act 1996, and
if dismissed, Part X of the same Act provides that the dismissal
is automatically unfair. Where a person is bullied on grounds of
sex, race or disability et al, it is outlawed under anti-discrimination
It was argued, following the obiter comments of
Lord Hoffman in Johnson v. Unisys in March 2001,[17][18] that claims
could be made before an Employment Tribunal for injury to feelings
arising from unfair dismissal. It was re-established that this was
not what the law provided, in Dunnachie v Kingston upon Hull City
Council, July 2004 [19] wherein the Lords confirmed that the position
established in Norton Tool v Tewson in 1972, that compensation for
unfair dismissal was limited to financial loss alone. Unfair dismissal
compensation is subject to a statutory cap set at £60600 from Feb
2006. Discriminatory dismissal continues to attract compensation
for injury to feelings and financial loss, and there is no statutory
United States
In the United States, comprehensive workplace
bullying legislation has yet to be passed by the federal government
or by any U.S. state government, but since 2003, many state legislatures
have considered bills.[20] As of October 2007, 13 U.S. states have
proposed legislation; these are:[21]
New Jersey (2007)
Washington (2007, 2005)
New York (2006)
Vermont (2007)
Oregon (2007, 2005)
Montana (2007)
Connecticut (2007)
Hawaii (2007, 2006, 2005, 2004)
Oklahoma (2007, 2004)
Kansas (2006)
Missouri (2006)
Massachusetts (2005)
California (2003)
These workplace bullying bills have typically allowed employees
to sue their employers for creating an "abusive work environment,"
and most have been supported by the notion that laws against workplace
bullying are necessary to protect public health.
Although most U.S. states operate under the 19th
Century doctrine of at-will employment (which, in theory, allows
an employer to fire an employee for any reason or no reason), American
workers have gained significant legal leverage through discrimination
and harassment laws, workplace safety laws, union-protection laws.
etc., such that it would be illegal under federal and the laws of
most states to fire employees for a whole host of reasons. These
employment laws typically forbid retaliation for good faith complaints
or exercising legal rights, such as organizing a union. Discrimination
and harassment laws enable employees to sue for creating a "hostile
work environment," which can include bullying, but the bullying/hostility
must be tied in some way to a characteristic protected under the
discrimination/harassment law, such as race, sex, religion, age,
disability, sexual orientation, etc.
1 Tracy, Lutgen-Sandvik, and AlbertsNightmares,
Demons and Slaves, Exploring the Painful Metaphors of Workplace
Bullying, 2006
2 Namie, Gary and Ruth Workplace Bullying Institute Brochure
3 Lutgen-Sandvik, Pamela Take This Job and . . . : Quitting and
Other Forms of Resistance to Workplace Bullying
4 Lutgin-Sandvik, Pamela, The Communicative Cycle of Employee Emotional
Abuse, 2003
5 Bully Busters Workplace Bullying Defined
6Namie, Gary and Ruth The WBI 2003 Report on Abusive Workplaces
7 Hare, Robert and Babiak, Paul, Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths
Go to Work Harper Collins, 2006
8 Worksafe, Victorian Workcover Authority
9 Commission des normes du travail
10 Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act 1979 Ministry of Labor,
Ontario, Canada
11 Workplace Violence Ministry of Labor, Ontario, Canada
12 Legislative Assembly of Ontario, Canada
13 The Occupational Health and Safety (Harassment Prevention) Amendment
Act, 2007 in Saskatchewan
14 Republic of Ireland - 2007 Code of Practice for Employers and
Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work
15 Ordinance of the Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety
and Health containing Provisions on measures against Victimization
at Work AFS 1993:17 Official English translation
16 Protection from Harassment Act 1997
17 Judgments - Johnson (A.P.) v. Unisys Limited, Uk Parliament -
18 Johnson v Unisys Ltd [2001 IRLR 279 House of Lords], Case Summaries,
Equal Opportunities Commission, UK
19 Dunnachie v Kingston upon Hull City Council 2004
20 Said, Caroline (2007-01-21). Bullying bosses could be busted:
Movement against worst workplace abusers gains momentum with proposed
laws. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved on 2007-10-19.
21 Workplace Bullying Institute

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