There is a very human tendency to see anyone as
different to the norm as suffering from a disability. Until a few
decades ago, homsexuals were defined by medical establishment as
having an mental disorder. People in communist Russia were labeled
in a similar way by doctors if they did not follow the 'correct'
political views. People in the deaf community largely do not see
themselves as having a disability, but simply as simply living in
a different culture.
Any increasing number of adults on the autism spectrum are refusing to be classified as a disability, syndrome
or disorder. They assert that autism is not a disorder, but a healthy
variation in neurological hard-wiring. Some would assert that a
cure for autism would destroy the original personality of the autistic
person in a misguided attempt to replace them with a different (neurotypical)
Anti-cure perspective
The anti-cure perspective supports the model of
autism that says that autism is a fundamental part of who the autistic
person is and that autism is something that cannot be separated
from the person. For this reason, some anti-cure autistics such
as Jim Sinclair and Michelle Dawson prefer to be referred to as
"autistics" or "autistic people" instead of
"people with autism" or "people who have autism",
because "person with autism" implies that autism is something
that can be removed from the person.
Autistics with this perspective oppose the idea
of a cure for autism because they see it as destroying the original
personality of the autistic individual, forcing them to imitate
neurotypical behavior (which they believe is unnatural to an autistic
person), simply to make mainstream society feel less threatened
by the presence of people who are different.
Anti-cure autistics believe quirks and uniqueness
of autistic individuals should be tolerated as the differences of
any minority group should be tolerated. When people talk about visions
for a future where autism has been eradicated, anti-cure autistics
usually see this as a wish for the end of their culture and way
of being. Two autistic people with this perspective are Frank Klein
and Jim Sinclair. Jim Sinclair has written an article titled Don't
Mourn for Us which has been widely distributed over the Internet.
Anti-cure autistics say they wish they had fewer
difficulties in life, and that they find some aspects of autism
(like sensory issues) painful, but they do not want to have to sacrifice
their personalities, values, and basic identities in order to make
life easier. Anti-cure autistics ask that society become more tolerant
and accommodating instead of pushing a cure. Anti-cure autistics
say they are in favor of helping make the lives of autistic people
easier, but they prefer the word "education" over "treatment",
and they support programs that respect the individuality of the
autistic person and only try to teach them things instead of change
them, and they think that autism treatments should focus on giving
autistics the means to overcome the limitations posed by autism,
rather than curing it.
The anti-cure perspective is related to much of
the controversy of the movement. Some parents of autistic children
see autism as something that gives their children great difficulty
in life and therefore see autism as a disorder. Parents with this
perspective (which is sometimes called the pro-cure perspective
in the autism rights movement) believe that a cure for autism is
in their children's best interests because they see a cure as something
that will reduce suffering. Sometimes, people with the pro-cure
perspective have been disdainfully labeled "curebees."
Opposition to eliminating autism
Some people have the goal of eliminating autism
completely, and want there to be a future with no autism. Since
those in the autism rights movement see autism as a natural human
variation and not a disorder, they are opposed to attempts to eliminate
In particular, there is opposition to prenatal
genetic testing of autism in unborn fetuses, which some believe
might be possible in the future if autism is genetic. On February
23, 2005 Dr. Joseph Buxbaum of the Autism Genome Project at the
Mount Sinai School of Medicine said there might be a prenatal test
for autism in 10 years. The genetics of autism have proven to be
extremely complex, however, to the relief of some autistic self-advocates.
In any case, the Autistic Genocide Clock was started in response
to this, which counts down to 10 years after Buxbaum made this announcement.
The public has started to debate the ethics involved
in the possible elimination of a genotype that has liabilities and
advantages, which may be seen as tampering with nature and natural
selection in particular. MSNBC has an article titled Would you
have allowed Bill Gates to be born? which deals with this issue.
Opposition to an alleged insulting view of autism
According to those in the autism rights movement,
some people have an "insulting view" of autism. This "insulting
view", to those in the movement, would be either comparing
autism to a national tragedy or fatal disease, and sometimes claims
that autism itself is a death sentence (autism cannot directly end
a person's life, but the lack of fear of physical danger that sometimes
results from it may cause autistics to do risky things). Therein,
one of the goals of the movement is to expose and challenge those
claims they find offensive. One such challenge was in 2003 when
Michelle Dawson has protested the statement "autism is worse
than cancer in many ways because the person with autism has a normal
lifespan". However, even some "pro-cure" advocates
believe some of these statements go too far.
Dr. Boyd Haley, chairman of the chemistry department
at the University of Kentucky, recently termed autism "mad
child disease" in speaking about children whose autism was
allegedly caused by mercury poisoning. This term offended some autistics
as well as some parents of autistic children. The "petition
to defend the dignity of autistic citizens" was started by in protest. In the same vein, autistic rights
activists also reject terming the reported increase in the autistic
population as an epidemic since
the word epidemic implies autism is a disease.
One 2006 study by the Harvard School of Public
Health addressed the cost to society of caring for individuals with
autism. The study "broke down the total costs of autism into
two components: direct and indirect costs. Direct costs include
direct medical costs, such as physician and outpatient services,
prescription medication, and behavioral therapies (estimated to
cost, on average, more than US$29,000 per person per year) and direct
non-medical costs, such as special education, camps, and child care
(estimated to annually cost more than US$38,000 for those with lower
levels of disability and more than US$43,000 for those with higher
Autistic rights activists, however, take offense
to comparing the cost of autistics in society to those without autism.
They believe that this gives the impression that autistics are a
burden on tax payers and a waste of money. Autistics. Org compared
such arguments to those used in support of the American eugenics
movement. Also, some autistic activists believe these campaigns
fail to account for what they see as valuable contributions the
autistic phenotype has made towards the advancement of the human
race. The activists argue that if autism were eradicated, it would
cost a great deal more to have to do without the findings and inventions
of people who may have been autistic, such as Albert
Einstein and Isaac Newton, for example.
Some autistic people are offended by the puzzle
piece ribbon symbol used by pro-cure organizations, and have responded
with their own images and slogans. For example, Autistics. Org has
responded to it by selling a button that reads, "I am not a
puzzle, I am a person." In addition, Oddizms has created a
rainbow moebius ring with the statement: "Many autism spectrum
adults object to being objectified by the puzzle ribbon ... They
want a different symbol and here is my offering".
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Free Documentation and is adapted from an article at

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